Lose Fat & Gain Muscle: You've been hitting the weights regularly to build muscle, but now you want to take your fitness plan one step further to really define the chest, abs, shoulders, arms, legs and traps. Nutrition is the key, and included are Todd's favorite hidden secrets...like why guys need to train legs twice a week for maximum results.

Weight Loss
San Diego Fit offers the best client experience delivering nutrition lifestyle plans coaching through meal photos, macro tracking, meal plans and daily habits—all, easy to track in one single user friendly mobile app. This weight management plan provides you with everything you need to lose 3-5 lbs. per week.
80% of our men and women clients have reported losing 15-20 lbs. a month with exercise and proper nutrition intake. This plan creates a lifestyle you can sustain on your own within a short period. Stop putting this off and with Todd Coburn as your coach, results are in your near future!

Lifestyle Nutrition Plans For Men
The good news? You don't have to starve yourself to get ripped — but you do need to pay careful attention to what and how much you eat, which marries perfectly with your workout routine. The key to a get-ripped workout and nutrition plan is getting the right balance of nutrition, which will help you lose fat and maintain your hard-earned muscle. If you're not seeing results and constantly hitting plateaus, this is the right plan for you.

Lifestyle Nutrition Plans For Women
Lose Fat & Gain Muscle: You often hear that nutrition is key to obtain the body you've always dreamed of. It's not a lie! Your nutrition will help you build your body according to your goals; get lean & toned, lose fat or maintain your weight.
The food you eat provide you the energy necessary to perform your workout properly. But good nutrition plays also a big role in muscle toning and recovery after a workout. This nutrition plan will contain all the meals necessary to get your dream body!

Optimal Nutrition Plans
You need to eat healthy to get healthy. We provide the guidance to help you reach your fitness and nutritional goals through Nutrition Coaching. Your coach works on your metabolism and your eating habits through a structured, online system by Todd Coburn (B.S. Natural Health Coach).
The Optimal Nutrition plan will complete your fitness arsenal. When you hire Coach Todd Coburn, you'll receive a custom workout plan, optimal nutrition courses and you'll develop a new lifestyle that demands your body to change and perform. After a few weeks this plan starts to take root and develop into your new lifestyle.
Athletes, endurance sports, those who train with intensity, anyone looking for more energy, better sleep and want to outperform their old self. This plan simply optimizes results, speeds up metabolism, reduces body fat, and induces homeostasis which allows the body to work less at regulating the way the body functions.
When someone combines their fitness routine and their nutrition intake, that's where all the magic happens. Learn lifestyle hacks Todd teaches his clients.